Supply dan Demand dalam Forex: Cara Trade Dengan Candlestick

Supply and Demand in Forex: How to Trade the Best Imbalance

Ramai orang bertanya kepada saya Bagaimana mencari Penawaran dan Permintaan yang betul dalam Forex? Satu lagi persoalan umum yang saya dapat ialah Bagaimana cara melukis Tahap Penawaran dan Permintaan? Selain itu, satu pertanyaan baru-baru ini yang ditanyakan seseorang kepada saya adalah Bagaimana cara memutuskan apakah Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan itu benar? Biar saya jawab dengan cara yang betul.

I get these questions with a forceful continuity. What is not good is that people ask nothing else than this. This shows a lack of their Trading Education. That’s why I help people, sharing my Trading Experience with the Students of Profiting.Me.

Saya tidak seronok mendapat soalan seperti ini dari pelabur. Sebabnya ialah adakah mereka yang bertanya menunjukkan aras masalah yang benar. Masalah ini tidak bergantung pada Perdagangan Penawaran dan Permintaan.

I am not happy to get this kind of questions from traders. The reason is that who asks if a Level is True shows a problem. This problem doesn’t depend on Supply and Demand Trading.

Memang, dia menunjukkan bahawa dia masih belum cukup bersedia untuk memahami Tindakan Harga dengan cara yang betul. Jadi dia memerlukan lebih banyak latihan dan lebih banyak kajian dengan cara yang betul.

Indeed, he shows that he is still not enough ready to understand the Price Action in a proper way. So he needs more practice and more study in the right way. For this purpose.

Tindakan Harga menunjukkan peluang perdagangan dalam pelbagai cara.

The Price Action shows the trading opportunities in many ways.

  • Latihan dan pengalaman memberi ganjaran kepada peniaga dengan cara yang betul kerana dia memahami Tindakan Harga. / The training and the experience reward the trader in the right way because he understands the Price Action.
  • Pedagang yang pakar dapat memperoleh banyak wang dengan melihat carta dan bertindak mengikutnya. / The expert Traders are able to earn a lot of money watching the chart and acting according to it.

Mereka membuat pesanan dan menunggu. Kemudian, walaupun ada perdagangan yang salah, wang itu datang kerana mereka tahu apa yang harus dilakukan.

They set their orders and wait. Later, even if some trade is wrong, the money comes because they know what to do.

Kepentingan untuk Menganalisis Senario Perdagangan

The importance to Analyze the Trading Scenario

Masalah biasa ialah orang melangkau proses untuk membersihkan Senario Perdagangan. / The typical problem is that people skip the process to have clear the Trading Scenario.

Pedagang harian dan pemula melangkau proses ini dalam setiap saat dan itu adalah satu kesalahan. / Intraday traders and newbies skip this process in every moment and it is a mistake.

  • Sebilangan besar peniaga memberi kepentingan kepada perkara yang salah. / The most of the traders give importance to the wrong things.

Contohnya, soalan yang ditanyakan orang kepada saya, menunjukkan: / For example, those questions that people ask me, show:

  • Pedagang pemula memberikan terlalu banyak kepentingan dalam mencari Ketidakseimbangan Penawaran dan Permintaan. / Newbies Traders give too much importance in the way to look for a Supply and Demand Imbalance.
  • Mereka menghindari pemahaman mengenai Tindakan Harga dalam Senario Perdagangan. They avoid the understanding of the Price Action in the Trading Scenario.

Tidak ada cara untuk membuat perdagangan yang menguntungkan jika Tindakan Harga di sekitar Senario Perdagangan tidak jelas. / There is no way to make a profitable trading if the Price Action around a Trading Scenario is not clear.

Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex menjelaskan Tindakan Harga dan ini sangat penting. Tetapi dalam praktiknya, Tahap Penawaran dan Permintaan hanyalah Titik Rujukan pada Carta. / Supply and Demand in Forex clarify the Price Action and this is very important. But in the practice, Supply and Demand Levels are only Reference Points on Chart.

Anda harus memahami perkara ini: / You have to understand this:

  • Anda tidak boleh mendasarkan perdagangan anda pada Reversal Points tanpa memahami apa yang berlaku. / You cannot base your trading on Reversal Points without understanding what is happening.
  • Tidak ada cara untuk menjadi kaya hanya melukiskan segi empat tepat pada carta untuk mendapatkan Ketidakseimbangan Penawaran dan Permintaan. / There is no way to become rich only drawing rectangles on the chart to get Supply and Demand Imbalances.
  • Pemahaman yang tepat mengenai Tindakan Harga adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mendapatkan wang dengan cara yang konsisten dan berterusan. / A proper comprehension of the Price Action is the only way to earn money in a consistent and constant way.

Tidak ada yang lain. Sekiranya anda ingin menjana wang, anda mesti fokus pada Tindakan Harga. / There is nothing else. If you want to earn money you must keep your focus on the Price Action.

Kesalahan berlaku pada bila-bila masa. Kami melakukan perdagangan yang salah kerana kami tidak melihat beberapa perkara yang relevan dalam Senario Perdagangan. Tetapi ini tidak bermaksud bahawa kita tidak dapat menguntungkan setiap bulan. / Mistakes happen at any moment. We take wrong trades because we don’t see some relevant things in the Trading Scenario. But this doesn’t mean that we cannot be profitable month by month.

Ketidakseimbangan antara Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex

Imbalance between Supply and Demand in Forex

Bagaimana mengenal pasti Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex? Jawapan untuk soalan ini mudah kerana apa yang anda perlukan adalah dalam Tindakan Harga dengan cara yang jelas. / How to identify Supply and Demand in Forex? The answer to this question is easy because what you need is in the Price Action in a clear way.

Apabila kita mencari Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan, kita mencari Tindakan Harga yang menandakan penyatuan. Ini adalah Julat Harga di mana harganya dapat menunjukkan ketidakpastian seperti asal bermula lonjakan. Dengan cara yang sama, kami mencari Tindakan Harga yang menandakan Titik Pembalikan segera. / When we look for a Supply or Demand Level, we look for a Price Action that marks a consolidation. It is a Price Range where the price can show uncertainty so as the origin of a spike. In the same way, we look for a Price Action that marks an immediate Reversal Point.

  • Penyatuan Harga boleh mengandungi beberapa candle (satu, dua atau lebih) menandakan tepi. / The Price Consolidation can spend some candles (one, two or more) marking edges.

Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex mudah dikenali dan senang diperdagangkan. Sebabnya ialah Forex adalah Pasaran Cair Tinggi. / Supply and Demand in Forex are easy to recognize and easy to trade. The reason is that Forex is a High Liquid Market.

Tidak ada yang mempengaruhi pasaran cair yang tinggi daripada Market Maker. Mereka mengubah Pergerakan Harga memberi arah pasaran. Semua yang lain hampir tidak relevan. / There is nothing that affects a high liquid market more than the Market Makers. They change the Price Progression giving a direction to the market. Everything else is almost irrelevant.

  • Pemangkin dari Kalendar Ekonomi tidak mendapat peluang utama. / The Catalysts from the Economic Calendar don’t chance the main trend.
  • Titik Pembalikan dalam Tindakan Harga menunjukkan di mana Pesanan Besar mempengaruhi pasaran. / The Reversal Points in the Price Action shows where Big Orders affect the market.
  • Dalam Senario Perdagangan, mereka menentukan arah pasaran. /In the Trading Scenario, they define the market direction.

Ini berlaku kerana pembeli atau penjual yang menang memberikan momentum. / This happens because buyers or sellers prevail giving a momentum.

  • Momentum Kuat sehingga Momentum Lemah bergantung kepada Ketidakseimbangan antara Penawaran dan Permintaan. / A Strong Momentum so as a Weak Momentum depends on the Imbalance between the Supply and Demand.

Ini memberi kelebihan dan sangat besar kerana anda melihat apa yang menggerakkan pasaran dan mengapa ia bergerak. Sebabnya ialah Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex seperti di mana-mana Pasaran Cair, menentukan Tindakan Harga. / This gives an advantage and it is enormous because you see what moves the market and why it moves. The reason is that Supply and Demand in Forex so as in any Liquid Market, determines the Price Action.

Peniaga baru gagal dalam hal ini. Mereka tidak memikirkan apa yang boleh mengubah harganya. Mereka mencari sokongan atau perlawanan yang menentukan mereka kuat atau lemah dengan cara yang salah tanpa memahami mengapa. / Newbie Traders fail in this. They don’t consider what moves the price. They look for a support or a resistance defining them strong or weak in a wrong way without understanding why.

Corak Candlestick Pembalikan

Candlestick Reversal Patterns

Ketidakseimbangan antara Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex menunjukkan peranan Pola Pembalikan. Ini bukan hanya untuk Pasaran Forex yang merupakan pasaran yang paling mudah untuk didagangkan. Ia sama di pasaran lain, Liquid, dan Not-Liquid. Tetapi mana-mana Pasar Cair membolehkan anda berdagang dengan santai dan dengan cara yang mudah. / The Imbalance between Supply and Demand in Forex shows the role of the Reversal Patterns. This is not only for the Forex Market that is the easiest market to trade. It is the same in any other marketplace, Liquid, and Not-Liquid. But any Liquid Market lets you trade in relax and in an easy way.

  • Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex memerlukan pemahaman yang jelas mengenai Corak Pembalikan. / Supply and Demand in Forex need a clear comprehension of the Reversal Patterns.
  • Mereka tidak menentukan ketidakseimbangan, tetapi mereka menunjukkan bagaimana pesanan besar mengubah arah harga. / They don’t define the imbalance, but they show how the big orders change the price direction.
  • Selain itu, mereka menandakan julat harga di mana ada kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan titik pembalikan baru. / Besides, they mark the price range where there are chances to get a new reversal point.

Bercakap mengenai Corak Candlestick Pembalikan, saya harus mengatakan bahawa adalah baik untuk mengenalinya. Tetapi, dalam praktiknya, tidak perlu menjadi pakar dalam Candlestick Patterns. / Talking about Reversal Candlestick Patterns, I have to say that it is good to recognize them. But, in practice, it is not necessary to become a specialist in Candlestick Patterns.

Ini adalah cara yang membolehkan anda mengenali ketidakseimbangan, tetapi hampir tidak ada yang mengatasinya. Sebabnya ialah anda menyedari Ketidakseimbangan Penawaran dan Permintaan, maka anda memahami cara memperdagangkannya. Tetapi anda tidak menjaga sebahagian besar Corak Candlestick Pembalikan yang anda lihat dalam carta. / They are a way that let you recognize the imbalances, but almost nobody takes care of them. The reason is that you recognize the Supply and Demand Imbalance, then you understand how to trade it. But you don’t care for the most of the Reversal Candlestick Patterns you see in the chart.

Saya tidak ke sini untuk bercakap mengenai Candlestick Patterns. Jadi, saya tidak akan melihat pada carta saya contoh untuk menunjukkan kepada anda. Sebagai gantinya, saya akan menunjukkan kepada anda contoh yang berasal dari laman web perdagangan pihak berkuasa. / I am not here to talk about Candlestick Patterns. So, I will not look on my charts for examples to show you. Instead, I am going to show you examples that come from an authority trading website.

Menurut laporan StockCharts, terdapat Corak Candlestick Action Price rasmi. Apa yang saya maksudkan ialah semua orang dapat menggambarkan tingkah laku harga dengan cara yang dia suka. Tetapi StockCharts menunjukkan standard yang diterima oleh setiap peniaga. Gambar dalam perenggan ini adalah penghargaan StockCharts. / According to what StockCharts reports, there are official Price Action Candlestick Patterns. What I mean is that everybody can describe a price behavior in the way he likes. But StockCharts shows a standard that every trader accepts. The images in this paragraph are a gentle courtesy of StockCharts.

Corak Pembalikan Bullish Candlestick

Candlestick Bullish Reversal Patterns
1 – Bullish Engulfing

Bullish Engulfing adalah Corak Candlestick Bullish Reversal yang menunjukkan badan bearish kecil dan badan bullish panjang. Lilin badan bullish ditutup di atas lilin bearish kecil. / The Bullish Engulfing is a Bullish Reversal Candlestick Pattern that shows a small bearish body and a long bullish body. The bullish body candle closes over the small bearish candle.

StockCharts – Bullish Engulfing

2 – Corak Menindik / Piercing Pattern

Corak Piercing adalah Corak Candlestick Bullish Reversal dengan dua candle. Corak Candlestick Bullish ini menunjukkan: / The Piercing Pattern is a Bullish Reversal Candlestick Pattern with two candles. This Bullish Candlestick Pattern shows:

  • Candle Bearish dengan badan yang panjang. / A Bearish Candle with a long body.
  • Candle Bullish yang dibuka pada tahap rendah baru dan ditutup pada separuh pertama lilin sebelumnya. / A Bullish Candle that opens at a new low and closes over the first half of the previous candle.

3 – Bullish Harami / Bullish Harami

Bullish Harami adalah Corak Candlestick Bullish Reversal yang menunjukkan dua candle. Candle kedua mempunyai badan di dalam julat harga candle bearish sebelumnya. Candle kedua ini bearish atau bullish dan boleh mendahului momentum kenaikan. / The Bullish Harami is Bullish Reversal Candlestick Pattern that shows two candles. The second candle has the body inside the price range of the previous bearish candle. This second candle is bearish or bullish and it can precede the bullish momentum.

StockCharts – Bullish Harami

4 – Tukul / Hammer

The Hammer adalah Corak Candlestick Bullish Reversal di mana harganya turun menandakan pivot baru. Kemudian harga melonjak naik ke arah yang bertentangan. Corak Candlestick Bullish ini ditandakan dengan Ekor Candle Panjang. / The Hammer is a Bullish Reversal Candlestick Pattern where the price drops down marking a new pivot. Later the price spikes up running in the opposite direction. This Bullish Candlestick Pattern marks a Long Tail to the candle.

StockCharts – Hammer

5 – Bintang Pagi / Morning Star

Bintang Pagi adalah Corak Candlestick Bullish Reversal dengan lilin pembalikan antara dua jurang. Corak Candlestick Bullish ini menunjukkan: / The Morning Star is a Bullish Reversal Candlestick Pattern with a reversal candle between two gaps. This Bullish Candlestick Pattern shows:

  • Candle Bearish dengan badan panjang yang menunjukkan penurunan yang panjang, sebelum jurang(gap). / A Bearish Candle with a long body that shows the extended drop, before the gap.
  • Candle Bullish dengan badan yang panjang, selepas jurang, yang menutup sepanjang separuh pertama Candle pertama. / A Bullish Candle with a long body, after the gap, that closes over the first half of the first candle.
  • Bayangan candle tengah di bawah bayangan candle di kiri dan kanan. / The Body shadow of the middle candle under the shadows of the candles at left and right.
StockCharts – Morning Star

6 – Bullish Abandoned Baby

The Bullish Abandoned Baby adalah Candle Doji di antara dua jurang. Corak Candlestick Bullish ini menunjukkan: / The Bullish Abandoned Baby is a Doji Candle between two gaps. This Bullish Candlestick Pattern shows:

  • Di kiri Lilin Bearish sebelum jurang. / At left a Bearish Candle before the gap.
  • Di sebelah kanan Bullish Candle selepas jurang. / At right the opposite Bullish Candle after the gap.
  • Doji Shadow di bawah bayangan lilin di kiri dan kanan. / Doji Shadow under the shadows of the candles at left and right.
StockCharts – Bullish Abandoned Baby

Candlestick Bearish Reversal Patterns

1 – Bearish Abandoned Baby

Baby Bearish Abandoned adalah Lilin Doji di antara dua jurang. Corak Candlestick Bearish ini menunjukkan: / The Bearish Abandoned Baby is a Doji Candle between two gaps. This Bearish Candlestick Pattern shows:

  • Di kiri Bullish Candle sebelum jurang. / At left a Bullish Candle before the gap. / At right the opposite Bearish Candle after the gap.
  • Di sebelah kanan Candle Bearish bertentangan selepas jurang.
  • Doji Bayangan di atas bayangan lilin di kiri dan kanan. / Doji Shadow over the shadows of the candles at left and right.
StockCharts – Bearish Abandoned Baby
2 – Bintang Petang / Evening Star

The Evening Star adalah Corak Candlestick Bearish Reversal dengan lilin badan di antara dua jurang. Bearish Candlestick Patter ini menunjukkan: / The Evening Star is a Bearish Reversal Candlestick Pattern with a body candle between two gaps. This Bearish Candlestick Patter shows:

  • Di kiri lilin Badan Bullish sebelum jurang. / At left a Bullish Body candle before the gap.
  • Di sebelah kanan Candle Bearish yang berlawanan selepas jurang yang ditutup lebih rendah daripada separuh pertama candle sebelumnya. / At right the opposite Bearish Candle after the gap that closes lower than the first half of the previous candle.
  • Lilin badan dengan bayangan di atas bayangan lilin di kiri dan kanan. / A body candle with the shadow over the shadows of the candles at left and right.
StockCharts – Evening Star
3 – Bintang Menembak / Shooting Star

Permulaan Menembak adalah Corak Candlestick Bearish Reversal yang menunjukkan sebatang lilin. Corak Candlestick Bearish ini menunjukkan Pivot Tinggi dengan ekor panjang. Badan lilin ditutup hampir dengan harga pembukaannya. / A Shooting Start is a Bearish Reversal Candlestick Pattern that shows a single candle. This Bearish Candlestick Pattern shows a High Pivot with a long tail. The candle body closes near its opening price.

StockCharts – Shooting Star
4 – Dark Cloud Cover/Penutup Awan Gelap

Dark Cloud Cover adalah Corak Pembalikan Bearish di mana Lilin Bearish mengikuti Lilin Bullish. Corak Dark Cloud Candlestick menunjukkan: / The Dark Cloud Cover is a Bearish Reversal Pattern where a Bearish Candle follows a Bullish Candle. The Dark Cloud Candlestick Pattern shows:

  • Bearish Candle dibuka dengan harga yang lebih tinggi. / The Bearish Candle opens with a higher price.
  • Bearish Candle ditutup pada harga yang lebih rendah daripada separuh pertama candle bullish sebelumnya. / The Bearish Candle closes at a price that is lower than the first half of the previous bullish candle.
StockCharts – Dark Cloud Cover
5 – Bearish Harami

The Bearish Harami adalah Corak Candlestick Bearish Reversal yang menunjukkan dua lilin. Lilin kedua mempunyai badan yang terdapat di dalam julat harga lilin kenaikkan sebelumnya. Lilin kedua ini bearish atau bullish dan boleh mendahului momentum bearish. / The Bearish Harami is Bearish Reversal Candlestick Pattern that shows two candles. The second candle has the body contained inside the price range of the previous bullish candle. This second candle is bearish or bullish and it can precede the bearish momentum.

StockCharts – Bearish Harami – 1
StockCharts – Bearish Harami – 2
6 – Bearish Engulfing/Menanggung Bearish

Bearish Engulfing adalah Corak Candlestick Bearish Reversal yang menunjukkan Badan Bullish kecil dan Badan Bearish panjang. Lilin badan bearish ditutup di bawah lilin bullish kecil. / The Bearish Engulfing is a Bearish Reversal Candlestick Pattern that shows a small Bullish Body and a long Bearish Body. The bearish body candle closes under the small bullish candle.

StockCharts – Bearish Engulfing

Bagaimana harga meninggalkan Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan

How the price leaves the Supply or Demand Level

Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex menunjukkan ketidakseimbangan yang jelas memberikan amalan perdagangan yang sangat mudah. Bagaimana harga meninggalkan Tahap menunjukkan kekuatan ketidakseimbangan. / Supply and Demand in Forex mark clear imbalances giving a very easy trading practice. How the price leaves the Level shows the strength of the imbalance.

  • Cara harga meninggalkan tahap adalah sebahagian dari Peraturan Perdagangan Penawaran dan Permintaan. / The way which the price leaves the level is part of the Supply and Demand Trading Rules.

Apabila harga berubah arah aliran, terdapat beberapa pertimbangan untuk dilakukan: / When the price changes the trend there are several considerations to do:

  • Adakah ketidakseimbangan meninggalkan tahap selepas 2 candle atau menghabiskan lebih banyak lilin di dalamnya? / Is the imbalance leaving the level after 2 candles or it spent more candles inside it?
  • Adakah Pivot Tinggi atau Pivot Rendah baru, di belakang Garisan Distal, menandakan Titik Pembalikan? / Has a new High Pivot or Low Pivot, behind the Distal Line, marked a Reversal Point?
  • Adakah Julat Harga Ketidakseimbangan yang mengadakan beberapa Pivot Di dalam Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan? / Is the Imbalance Price Range hosting several Pivots Inside the Supply or Demand Level?
  • Adakah harga menunjukkan Ketidakpastian di sekitar Garisan Proksimal sebelum melonjak daripadanya? / Is the price showing Uncertainty around the Proximal Line before to spike away from it?

Ketidakseimbangan antara Penawaran dan Permintaan bergantung pada Pesanan. / The Imbalance between Supply and Demand willing depends on the Orders.

Pesanan Blok Besar pada harga tertentu dapat menentang arah harga. / Large Block Orders on a specific price can oppose to the price direction.

Titik Pembalikan berlaku apabila pengisian Pesanan Besar mengubah tingkah laku harga. / A Reversal Point happens when the filling of Big Orders changes the price behavior.

Ketidakseimbangan antara Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex boleh berlaku dalam pelbagai cara. Pesanan boleh mendorong harga ke arah yang bertentangan. Dengan cara yang sama, pesanan mungkin tidak cukup untuk memberikan perubahan trend segera. Oleh itu, harga memulakan penyatuan sekitar julat harga. Berkali-kali, harga tetap terjebak dalam jarak kecil antara Tahap Penawaran dan Permintaan sebelum melonjak. / The imbalance between the Supply and Demand in Forex can happen in many ways. The orders can push the price in the opposite direction. In the same way, the orders could be not enough to give an immediate changing of the trend. So the price begins a consolidation around a price range. Many times, the price stays trapped in a small range between a Supply and Demand Levels before to spike away.

Apa yang relevan untuk perdagangan adalah memahami jika ketidakseimbangan itu begitu kuat untuk menandakan Titik Pembalikan yang baru. Dengan cara yang sama, penting untuk memahami ketidakpastian dalam penyatuan harga. / What is relevant for trading is understand if the imbalance could be so strong to mark a new Reversal Point. In the same way, it is important to understand the uncertainty in a price consolidation.

Ketidakseimbangan yang kuat terhadap Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Forex

Strong Imbalance on Supply and Demand in Forex
Supply and Demand in Forex – Strong Imbalance

Dalam sebarang Strategi Perdagangan Penawaran dan Permintaan, orang menyatakan ketidakseimbangan yang kuat. / In any Supply and Demand Trading Strategy, people make the point on the strong imbalance.

Apabila Ketidakseimbangan Penawaran dan Permintaan kuat, harga mengambil masa yang sangat singkat dalam tahap itu. / When a Supply and Demand Imbalance is strong, the price spends a very short time inside a level.

Ini berlaku pada tahap awal apabila tindakan harga menandakan Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan baru. Selain itu, ia berlaku ketika harga kembali pada Level dan pesanan mendorongnya ke arah yang berlawanan. / This happens at the origin of the level when the price action marks a new Supply or Demand Level. Besides, it occurs when the price comes back on a Level and the orders push it in the opposite direction.

Seperti yang telah saya katakan, apa yang relevan adalah bagaimana harga meninggalkan tahap. / As I already said, what is relevant is how the price leaves the level.

Sekiranya tahap kuat, ia mempunyai peluang tinggi untuk menjadi tuan rumah pesanan besar untuk ketidakseimbangan kuat baru. Maka ia memiliki peluang yang cukup untuk mendorong harga dengan Momentum Kuat. / If a level is strong it has high chances to host enough big orders for new strong imbalance. Then it has enough chances to push the price away with a Strong Momentum.

Kemudian, ketidakseimbangan yang kuat dapat menimbulkan reaksi segera yang mendorong harga turun dari Momentum Candle. / Then, a strong imbalance can have an immediate reaction pushing the price away by a Momentum Candle.

Kemudian, momentum lilin berlaku pada tahap asal. Dengan cara yang sama, lilin momentum boleh berlaku apabila harganya berubah ke Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan yang kuat. / Then, the momentum candle occurs at the origin of the level. In the same way, the momentum candle can occur when the price converges to the strong Supply or Demand Level.

Ini bermakna bahawa anda melihat lilin yang menunjukkan harga bergerak ke tahap. Selain itu, anda mendapat lilin yang bertentangan yang menunjukkan tingginya tahap. Maksud saya 1, 2 atau bahkan 3 lilin yang menandakan Corak Lilin Pembalikan. / This means that you see a candle that shows the price moving to the level. Besides, you get another candle in opposition that shows the leaving of the level. I mean 1, 2 or even 3 candles that mark a Reversal Candlestick Pattern.

Ini adalah Tindakan Harga yang baik. Tetapi tidak cukup untuk menetapkan pesanan baru ke tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan. Ini adalah salah satu daripada banyak titik rujukan yang boleh digunakan untuk perdagangan. / This is a favorable Price Action. But it is not enough to set a new order to the Supply or Demand level. It is only one of many reference points to use for trading.

Ketidakseimbangan yang kuat antara Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan sahaja tidak menjamin Perdagangan yang Berjaya. / Strong Imbalance between Supply or Demand Level alone doesn’t guarantee Successful Trades.

Ketidakseimbangan dan Ketidaktentuan Lemah / Weak Imbalance and Uncertainty

Di Pasar Cair, Ketidakpastian tidak memerlukan masa yang lama. Ini menghadkan perkembangan harga sehingga dapat mempengaruhi keuntungan perdagangan. / In a Liquid Market, the Uncertainty doesn’t take a very long time. It limits the price progression so as it can affect the trade profitability.

Penawaran dan Permintaan dalam Perdagangan Forex dapat menunjukkan batasan semacam ini berkali-kali. Bagi orang yang suka istilah yang kuat, mereka boleh menentukan batasan ini seperti Perangkap. / Supply and Demand in Forex Trading can show many times this kind of limitation. For people who like strong terms, they could define this limitation like a Trap.

Ketidakpastian berlaku apabila harga bergerak antara Tahap Penawaran dan Permintaan. / The Uncertainty happens when the price moves between a Supply and a Demand Level.

Ini menunjukkan Julat Harga di mana Tahap Penawaran dan Permintaan seperti tepi dan mereka berdekatan satu sama lain. / This shows a Price Range where Supply and Demand Levels are like edges and they are close to each other.

Sudah tentu, ini adalah kaedah umum untuk menggambarkan Ketidakpastian dalam Tindakan Harga. Tetapi itulah yang berlaku dalam kebanyakan kes. / Of course, this is a general way to describe the Uncertainty in the Price Action. But it is what happens in the most of the cases.

Izinkan saya menerangkan dengan lebih baik: / Let me explain better:

Pertama, harga bermula atau berubah ke Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan. / First, the price origins or converges to a Supply or Demand Level.

Kedua, ketidakseimbangan menunjukkan kelemahan. Ini bermaksud bahawa harganya menghabiskan beberapa lilin di dalam aras. / Second, the imbalance shows weakness. It means that the price spends several candles inside the level.

Ketiga, harga memulakan penggabungan di sekitar Garisan Proksimal Tahap. / Third, the price starts a consolidation around the Proximal Line of the Level.

Oleh itu, anda memahami perkara penting: / So, you understand an important thing:

Ketidakseimbangan mendorong harga ke arah yang bertentangan. Tetapi, ketidakseimbangan itu menunjukkan kelemahan oleh kemustahilan untuk mendorong harga jauh dari tahap. / The imbalance pushes the price in the opposite direction. But, that imbalance shows weakness by the impossibility to push the price far away from the level.

Julat Harga Ketidakpastian adalah Senario Perdagangan Berisiko. / The Price Range of Uncertainty is a Risky Trading Scenario.

Dalam keadaan ini, anda tidak tahu kemana harganya, tetapi anda tahu apa yang harus anda tunggu: / In this circumstance, you don’t know where the price is going, but you know what you have to wait:

  1. Mencari perdagangan berisiko rendah, anda menunggu lonjakan dari julat harga yang tidak menentu. / Looking for a low-risk trade, you wait for a spike from the price range of uncertainty.
  2. Jadi, anda melihat dari mana momentum baru bermula. / So, you see where the new momentum begins.
  3. Kemudian, anda mendapat ketidakseimbangan baru yang mendorong harga ke arah. / Then, you get a new imbalance that pushes the price in a direction.

Ketidakpastian dan Pivot dalam Tahap Penawaran atau Permintaan

Uncertainty and Pivot inside a Supply or Demand Level

Supply and Demand in Forex – Uncertainty, and Pivot Inside the Level

When the price takes a time to leave a Supply or Demand Level, it tests that Level more times.

The same thing happens when the price is in a trap between a Supply and a Demand Level.

For example, the price converges, but the imbalance is not enough to push the price far away from the level. So the price starts a consolidation around the Proximal Line of that Level. What you see is that the price is in a trap between a Supply and a Demand.

So, the price moves inside a small range, going to test more times the Level where it had converged. Then, with every new test, the price action marks a new pivot inside the level.

What is relevant is that every new Pivot makes the Supply or Demand Level weaker, time by time.

The same thing happens in the opposite level that traps the price progression.

So, you have to wait for a new strong imbalance that pushes the price away from that uncertainty. In this way, the price action will take out one of the edges: the Supply or the Demand level.

Every Pivot inside the level is a Reversal Point. It changes the status of the Supply or Demand Level.

It gives also a way to refine better the level, reducing the price range of the original imbalance.

We don’t trade the Ranging because it carries high risk. Instead, we trade the Trending because it pays.

Besides, Supply and Demand in Forex don’t demand Catalysts. Then, to earn consistent money as a reward, you don’t need to trade the Economic Calendar Events.

Persistent Level on Supply and Demand in Forex

When we talk about Used Supply or Demand Levels, we talk about Price Ranges where the price bounces back.

So, it is a situation where the price converges and the orders push it back. When this happens one time and more, the Imbalance in Supply and Demand in Forex consumes orders. This decreases the strength of the Supply or Demand Level.

Every Pivot inside the Level is like a new “edge”. The price range from the Proximal Line to the Pivot becomes weaker.

Besides, the risk becomes higher than that in the price range from the Pivot to the Distal Line.

So, the price range from the Deepest Pivot to the Distal Line could give a stronger opposition.

Indeed, in any Forex Supply and Demand Strategy, the role of a Persistent Level is relevant.

In any Supply and Demand Trading Method, every Used Supply or Demand Level is not good for low-risk trading opportunities. At least, until the Level needs a refining in a proper way, to show the lowest risk opportunities.

A Persistent Supply or Demand Level can “persist” for the long-term.

Then, the Level pushes back the price time by time, until the orders will be all absorbed.

When the Price takes out a Persistent Supply or Demand Level, it marks Strong Imbalances.

The new Imbalances are in opposition to the Persistent Level, inside and around its Price Range.

So, the Price Range of the Persistent Level can host now a set of low-risk trading opportunities. These opportunities have different risk degrees and some of them can offer an acceptable risk on investment.

Persistent Supply or Demand Level in a Trend Rotation

Supply and Demand in Forex – Persistent Level in a Trend Rotation

Supply and Demand Imbalances that are Persistent Levels give important advantages. These are visible and usable in an easy way Trading Supply and Demand in Forex.

  • Are you sure to know what happens in a Trend Rotation?
  • Did you even think about the peculiarities that the Price Action shows in specific Price Consolidations?

A Trend Rotation is a Price Consolidation. It marks specific Reference Points that show how the Trend is Changing.

A Persistent Supply or Demand Level is one of these Reference Points.

The Persistent Level opposes the Changing of Trend.

It makes bounce the price back time by time.

When the Price Action favors a Rotation to Bearish it marks High Pivots.

In the same way, in a Rotation to Bullish, the Price Behaviour marks Low Pivots.

What you see is that the trend rotation follows a Pattern or a Rotation Framework. I don’t care about the Pattern, but I care so much about the Rotation Framework.

Every Trend Rotation marks Steps of a Rotation Framework.

Every step is a trading opportunity and it is a new Supply or Demand Imbalance. Then every step is a relevant Pivot in the price consolidation.

In a Trend Rotation, the price marks new strong Supply or Demand Imbalances. They push the price to the Persistent Level.

The Price converges to the Persistent Level time by time. When the level will be enough weak and the momentum strong the price will spike behind the Distal Line.

Persistent Level No more valid and Imbalances in Opposition

Supply and Demand in Forex – Persistent Level No More Valid and Opposition

What newbies name like Strong Support or Strong Resistant is instead a Persistent Level. It has an Origin by the Initial Imbalance so as it can show other imbalances inside it by the convergences. Besides, it can persist for a long-term so as the new Pivots inside it can redefine its price range.

  • What happens when such Supply or Demand Level in Forex (then where there is high liquidity) is no more valid?
  • What happens when the price takes out the Persistent Supply or Demand Level?

Unlike other used Supply and Demand Levels, the taking out of a Persistent Level makes everything different.

When the price is behind the Distal Line of a Persistent Level the Trading Scenario changes.

So, you see a real changing in the price action that gives new Trading Opportunities.

To make this, the Persistent Level becomes weaker by convergences. Besides, the taking out of the Level needs of new Supply or Demand Levels in Opposition.

The taking out of the Persistent Level leaves a Price Range that becomes a solid Reference Point.

The Price Action marks new opposite Imbalances around the Price Range of the Persistent Level that is no more valid.

It hosts New Supply or Demand Imbalances that offer new Trading Opportunities in Opposition.

So, if the Price takes out a Persistent Supply Level, there are new Demands around and inside the Level. The new Demands are going to offer new Trading opportunities with different risk degrees.

Breakout Trap and Breakdown Trap in a Persistent Level

Supply and Demand in Forex – Breakout Trap and Persistent Level

First of all, I don’t trade the breakouts so as I don’t trade the breakdown.

Despite people says to do it, trade the breakout carries an extreme risk.

The reason is that you are going to Buy high on the breakout where the risk is the highest. In the same way, you are going to Sell low on the breakdown.

You must expect a High Pivot or Low Pivot behind the Distal Line of a Persistent Supply or Demand Level.

In a Liquid Market, the Supply and Demand disparity on Breakouts can give bad trades.

Any Supply and Demand Trading System highlights the risk on investment around breakouts. The reason is that the risk is real.

The Breakout Trap on a Persistent Level is the market reaction to the new High Pivot behind the Distal Line.

This High Pivot changes the price range of the Original Imbalance of a Persistent Supply or Demand Level. The orders push the price back making visible the new Imbalance.

So, when you buy on the Breakout of the Persistent Level, you take an unacceptable risk. There are high chances that the price action traps your trade squeezing it and giving you a loss.

A Persistent Supply or Demand Level is like a “rubber gum”. It makes bounce back the price that converges, even when the price tries to go behind its Distal Line.

The right way is to Buy low when the price converges to a new demand in a breakout confirmation. This is even the way to trade the Trend Rotation. Or, you can consider to Trade the False Breakouts, when it is possible.


Many times I see people who say: There is a bullish engulf, it is strong, then I can buy.

They believe this is enough to make them profitable traders. Instead, the reality is quite different.

What people skip to take in consideration is the contest where an Imbalance occurs.

When the Trader doesn’t consider the Trading Scenario where the events occur, he is blind. So, it trades without know the occurrences in the Price Action.

Be aware that a clear comprehension of the Price Action is a MUST to earn money.

Supply and Demand Trading is not a way to trade without understanding the market.

Looking for a trading opportunity we look for a price range that hosts new and fresh levels in opposition.

The Persistent Level is crucial for a good trading practice. It has a concrete relevance in the trend rotation. From the other side, it hosts relevant trading opportunities when it is no more valid.

Trading is a job of probabilities. Nobody knows where the price will go, so as Nobody is smarter than the market.

We work with what we know. Then we use what we see to decide how to act, according to our trading style.

This is what I do sharing my experience with my students. To study with me what you have to do is join on Profiting.Me.

So, let me ask you some things:

  • Did you ever think that the strong support or the strong resistance doesn’t work in your favor?
  • How do you analyze a Trend Rotation in your Trading Practice?

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