Hammer Candlestick

What is a Hammer Candlestick?

Hammer adalah corak harga dalam carta candlestick yang berlaku apabila harga pasaran jauh lebih rendah daripada pembukaannya, tetapi pergerakan dalam tempoh yang ditutup berhampiran harga pembukaan. Corak ini membentuk candlestick berbentuk hammer (tukul), di mana shadow (bayangan) bawah adalah sekurang-kurangnya dua kali saiz badan sebenar. Badan candlestick mewakili perbezaan antara harga Open (buka) dan Close (tutup), sementara bayang menunjukkan harga yang tinggi dan rendah untuk jangka waktu itu.

Kata Kunci

  • Hammers mempunyai badan sebenar kecil dan bayangan yang lebih rendah.
  • Hammers berlaku selepas penurunan harga.
  • Hammer candlestick itu menunjukkan penjual memasuki pasaran dalam tempoh itu tetapi dengan menutup jualan telah diserap dan pembeli telah menolak harga kembali ke dekat terbuka.
  • Yang dekat boleh berada di atas atau di bawah terbuka, walaupun penutupan harus dekat dengan terbuka agar tubuh sebenarnya tetap kecil.
  • Bayangan yang lebih rendah perlu sekurang-kurangnya dua kali ketinggian badan sebenar.
  • Lilin palu menandakan pembalikan harga berpotensi kepada kenaikan harga. Harga mesti bermula bergerak mengikut hammer ini dipanggil pengesahan.
  • Memasuki dagangan biasanya selepas pengesahan Candlestick, tidak sebelum ini.
  • Hammers have a small real body and a long lower shadow.
  • Hammers occur after a price decline.
  • The hammer candlestick shows sellers came into the market during the period but by the close the selling had been absorbed and buyers had pushed the price back to near the open.
  • The close can be above or below the open, although the close should be near the open in order for the real body to remain small.
  • The lower shadow should be at least two times the height of the real body.
  • Hammer candlesticks indicate a potential price reversal to the upside. The price must start moving up following the hammer; this is called confirmation.
  • Trades are typically taken after the confirmation candle, not before.

What Does the Hammer Candlestick Tell You?

A hammer occurs after a security has been declining, suggesting the market is attempting to determine a bottom.

Hammers signal a potential capitulation by sellers to form a bottom, accompanied by a price rise to indicate a potential reversal in price direction. This happens all during the one period, where the price falls after the open but then regroups to close near the open.

Hammers are most effective when they are preceded by at least three or more declining candles. A declining candle is one which closes lower than the close of the candle before it.

A hammer should look similar to a “T”. This indicates the potential for a hammer candle. A hammer candlestick does not indicate a price reversal to the upside until it is confirmed.

Confirmation occurs if the candle following the hammer closes above the closing price of the hammer. Ideally, this confirmation candle shows strong buying. Candlestick traders will typically look to enter long positions or exit short positions during or after the confirmation candle. For those taking new long positions, a stop loss can be placed below the low of the hammer’s shadow.

Hammers aren’t usually used in isolation, even with confirmation. Traders typically utilize price or trend analysis, or technical indicators to further confirm candlestick patterns.

Hammers occur on all time frames, including one-minute charts, daily charts, and weekly charts.


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